What Does a Web Designer Do


The range of creative and technical skills that web designers use to create websites that are visually attractive and technically sound overlap, but many companies do not have designated web designer positions and expect you to provide a web background.

Isabella Di Fabio Graphic designers, on the other hand, are often hired by web projects who expect them to know how to do things that only a web designer could have done.

Although the pages look pretty similar, web designers can create templates themselves that customers can fill in, so they are not necessarily the same.

Isabella Di Fabio

Shopify web designers also make changes to the coding of the website and can program it according to business needs. A web designer with a technical background can also take on the task of coding their design and creating web content ready for publication.

Isabella Di Fabio There may be overlap between these roles and some developers may even double as developers, especially on the front end. Web designers are not usually responsible for creating functional websites and focus on creating visual design.

Isabella Di Fabio Web Design

However, the majority of web designers are involved in the design and development of websites. While most of them have graphic design and UX, they also do their own market research and need to do some marketing research.

Isabella Di Fabio A web designer is a person responsible for the look, feel and prominence — elements of a website, such as the design of the user interface.

Isabella Di Fabio Web Designer

This functionality combines functionality for a seamless user experience and as an architect, web designers will develop a look for each of these elements. When needed, they are needed in the front and back end as well as in the backend.

An experienced web designer is able to apply a planned design with the right tags and values when writing HTML and CSS. Mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other programming languages can be a boon for budding web designers.

Isabella Di Fabio Web Design in Japan

Isabella Di Fabio All web designers have working knowledge, although the extent of their knowledge will vary from one web designer to another and vice versa.

